Our Services
How can we help?
Below you'll find a set of links to Irish services and organisations who operate in the mental health and wellness sphere.
- Emotionally Focused therapy - Information on emotionally focused therapy for individuals, couples and families.
- Pieta House - A free 24 hour call line for people struggling with self-harm and suicidal thoughts and impulses.
- Bodywhys - Provides support for people with eating disorders.
- IAHIP - Irish Association Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapists.
- IACP - Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
- Narcotics Anonymous - Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit organization for people recovering addicts.
- Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit organization for recovering alcoholics.
- Sexaholics Anonymous - For help and support with sex addiction.
- Gamblers Anonymous - For issues and problems with gambling.
- Womens Aid - Offers support to women suffering emotional and physical abuse.